Tips to Make Online Learning Engaging for Your Organisation

Wed 14 Jun 2023

The digital age has revolutionised the way organisations provide training for employees. With the flexibility and cost effectiveness of online learning, many companies are ditching face-to-face learning. 

But are they still keeping learners engaged?

Research shows that eLearning has retention rates of 25% to 60% while face-to-face training has retention rates of 8% to 10%.

However, it takes research and well-trained digital learning designers to develop effective, engaging programmes. Read more for some tips on how to make online learning engaging for your organisation.

What is online learning? 

Online learning is the use of digital platforms and technologies to deliver educational content and training to employees within an organisation.

Online learning can be conducted using tablets, laptops or computers and requires an internet connection for the course provider to deliver the session. 

As opposed to face-to-face learning, many companies are awakening to the benefits of online learning courses. Keep reading to find out why.

Why are companies turning to online learning?

Here are some of the many benefits of learning online:

  • Flexibility in learning schedules
  • Accessibility from anywhere 
  • Cost-effective 
  • Self-paced learning
  • Trackable progress 
  • Collaborative learning opportunities
  • Continuous access to up-to-date knowledge
  • Convenient
  • Engaging multimedia and interactive tools
  • Reduced travel and accommodation expenses
  • Ability to reach a large number of employees simultaneously
  • Customisable 
  • Enhanced knowledge retention
  • Integration of gamification 
  • Easy updates and revisions of training content
  • Timely and relevant feedback for learners
  • Increased scalability for growing organisations.

How can companies make online learning engaging? 

Plan your training 

Companies have an obligation to accommodate and be inclusive of different types of employees. Some employees may have different learning styles to others, and some may come from different backgrounds. 

It is important to plan ahead to ensure your training is well-structured and aligns with your company’s goals and objectives. This ensures that the content is relevant and meets the requirements of each employee. Planning ahead also allows for you to create any multimedia elements that are required.

When planning your eLearning course, assess what skill gaps exist in the workplace. This way, you can determine which employees to enrol onto the course and how to curate the course content to meet their learning needs. 

Without planning ahead, you risk an ineffective eLearning training course that doesn’t engage the learner. 

Contextualise learning materials 

By aligning the training content with specific scenarios and challenges faced by employees in the work environment, organisations can optimise the relevance of the course content. 

This ensures that employees can reflect on their training the next time that they encounter a challenge, which in turn increases the level of competency in the workplace. Not only does this reduce employee reliance on senior staff members, but it also makes for a more engaging learning experience. 

Encourage participation 

Online classes can make it easier for learners to hide in the background, since they are not face-to-face with trainers. This is why it is important for digital learning developers to ensure that the course encourages participation regularly. 

This can be done through the form of quizzes, group discussions and games where everyone gets a turn. This ensures that everyone is engaged and participating in the online programme. 

This can also boost employee confidence and develop a sense of community in the workplace. It also makes for a more enjoyable experience for the learner. 

Create alternative methods of learning

Learning isn’t one size fits all! Online learning should incorporate different modes of learning to cater to a diverse range of employees. Some individuals have varied learning preferences, and a range of learning modes ensures everyone can engage with the content.

Some employees may prefer text materials, while some prefer videos. A good digital learning designer would incorporate different modes to change the pace regularly and ensure that something new is constantly being provided. 

People can often become bored if they have to read constantly, but if they are watching a video, then reading and playing a game next, they may find it easier to read! Varied course materials ultimately improve employee engagement and retention and makes their time learning new skills a more enjoyable one. 

Beware of gimmicks and fads

While the digital landscape offers a wide array of training options, it’s essential to prioritise quality and credibility. Non-accredited courses may promise quick fixes or employ trendy techniques that may not necessarily work for your employees and organisation. 

By investing in accredited online training, organisations can ensure that their employees receive high-quality, reliable, and relevant content that aligns with industry standards. This approach safeguards against wasting resources on ineffective or unverified training methods, ultimately maximising the return on investment.

You can train your L&D staff with a digital learning design course, to create high quality online programmes, ultimately saving you money from outsourcing the courses.

Do you want to take your career to the next level and learn how to develop online courses? Check out our Digital Learning Design Course and enrol today.

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Digital Learning Design

Engaging training is more of an expectation than ever before. We’re proud to deliver this globally recognised qualification.