Safeguarding Our Learners
At MOL we are eager to support you in any way we can, your health, wellbeing and welfare is of paramount importance to us.
How do we safeguard our learners?
We recognise that all learners have a fundamental right to be protected from harm and exploitation, and that learners cannot learn effectively unless they feel safe.
We understand that learning can become impacted by individual circumstances and needs, and there are times when additional support, advice or guidance may be needed.
We will support you in any way we can, your health, wellbeing and welfare is of paramount importance to us.
You can contact your MOL tutor at any time should you have any questions, concerns, or queries.
If have any concerns about Safeguarding, this can be about you or someone else you can report directly to our safeguarding team by filling out the form. Any concerns will be treated seriously and with the upmost respect in line with safeguarding, confidentiality and GDPR legislation and requirements.
Our policies
For more information on our policies, please download them below:
Safeguarding form
Please report your concern by completing the form below.
* indicates a required field.
Our Values
As an organisation, we share a common set of values across everything we do these are;
We are honest, trustworthy and open.
One team
We collaborate, respect each other and contribute to team goals.
Always improving
We are forward-thinking, we innovate and take ownership.
Can do
We are positive, inclusive, flexible and proactive.
We take a long-term view; environmentally, financially and socially.
These values help to define who we are and how we behave and are linked to British values:
Respect & Tolerance
A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Individual Liberty
Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own others.
Rule of Law
The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.
Protection of your rights and the right of others you work with.
Sophie Hayes
Curriculum, Quality Assurance & Safeguarding
Imtiaz Kala
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Karen Carruthers
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Cheryl Kelsall
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Simone Healey
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Additional Welfare Support
We take the welfare of our learners very seriously. Any concerns are recorded on our secure welfare system that allows the Designated Safeguard Leads and Managers to monitor your welfare. Please also view some key national organisations that may be able to assist you with regard to your welfare.
Every local authority will provide social care services for children and adults, as well as mental health services. Contact your local authority or NHS provision for this information. Learners should feel assured that systems and policies are in place to keep them safe from harm. If any learner has any concerns they should be able to raise them with their tutor.