Meet the Tutor – Alistair Cumming

Mon 12 Dec 2022

Alistair’s experience in the field is a huge asset to our CIPD Level 7 learners.

All of our tutors at MOL are industry experts with a wealth of experience; bringing your learning to life using current examples of industry practice, and we’re introducing some of them in a series of Q&As. 

Alistair Cumming has taught on our CIPD Level 7 courses for almost a decade, joining with an extensive background in Human Resources and Learning & Development. Having completed an Msc himself, Alistair’s experience in the field makes him a valuable resource for MOL learners.

Tell us about your experience in the industry and/or education.

My background was in Human Resources and particularly Learning & Development, but over time I became more involved with organisational design and change management. I mostly worked for large organisations, but in the last 15 years have been independent doing a mixture of interim, consultancy and education work. On the latter, I've worked for MOL since 2013 but also have run Msc programmes for an evening university in London since 2009.  

How and why did you get into teaching?

I did my own Msc back in the 1990s and really enjoyed it. When I went independent I was offered an opportunity to connect back with academia through teaching change management to mature Msc students. 

Initially I drew mostly on my Learning & Development presentational skills, but over time I strengthened my academic and literature knowledge and insights, expanding into many different areas. I really enjoy examining how theory can inform practice and vice versa and helping students think more critically about both.

Tell us why you're so passionate about your subject area.

I have many subject areas that interest me, but my overarching concern is to help students to take a critical but pragmatic perspective in their everyday practice which links to my interest in both theory and practice.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to students who are considering studying a professional qualification?

I did my own MSc after 12 years of working and I think the best time to do professional studies is when you have a few years of experience to reflect on like this, so you can use the opportunity to critically review your own previous practice and that of others against research and academic thinking. 

Viewing it as tick-box or just something to get through by doing the minimum just to pass the assessments is a real missed opportunity in life.

Why should someone choose to study with MOL?

MOL offer a good balance of theory and practice in the content provided and excellent, experienced tutors to support your learning journey. Their programmes also attract students who have a good amount of experience themselves from a variety of industries which is an extra resource to draw on, as you seek to make sense of topics and see how you might improve your own practice or that of your organisations.

Find out more about MOL’s Human Resources and Learning & Development courses and enquire today.